Zeshawn Ahmed

No Fixed Addresses

Client Project: Supporting Locals with an Event Platform

No Fixed Addresses is a platform designed to support hostels and tour operators by promoting events to local communities.

UX Researcher/Project Manager
4 Months
Mayer Khan, Numair Chea, Donny Vu, Kelvin O.

An Overview

I was really fortunate to have led a team to reshape the founders vision into a more scalable product

The idea for No Fixed Addresses came about as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In many destinations, tourism supports whole economies, towns, and local families. 

The goal of No Fixed Addresses is to promote locally owned hotels, hostels, and experiences in an effort to put money back into the pockets of small business owners.

No Fixed Addresses supports locally owned hotels, hostels, and experiences

The Challenge

  • Manage an international remote team of stakeholders on a shared vision
  • Pivot the founder’s vision to a more scalable product with a wider reach
  • Support local hostels and tour operators during the travel lulls of COVID

The Solution

  • Use digital collaboration tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams to manage the team
  • Reshape initial idea into a social media presence with a travel blog
  • Develop a new event-hosting platform for hostels and tour operators to reach a local audience


Travelers have ample options to choose from when booking a trip, however most of these booking solutions are focused on delivering larger, more established options for users. While this increases revenue for booking services, smaller, less established locations are left struggling. 

While this problem is really large in scope, hostels in particular have struggled the most.

Through No Fixed Addresses, we hope to create a platform where travelers have a better option. A way to contribute to local economies and families while having the opportunity to connect with local people. 

Product Outline

There are two main product components included in No Fixed Addresses to help have a positive impact on local tourism economies.

First, a blog component. Ultimately this product was handed off to the No Fixed Addresses Product Owner.

Second, we are creating a way for hostels to host events in their community spaces.

Market Research

The leisure and hospitality sector includes not just global hotel chains, but local arts venues, recreation, restaurants, and bars. In 2017, small businesses (firms with fewer than 500 employees) comprised 99.5% of the sector, and 60.6% of employment within the sector.

Many of these firms have been forced to lay off most or all of their workers, and sometimes completely shut down. In May, 52.1% of small businesses in the leisure and hospitality sector reported temporarily closing, and 35.2% reported a decrease in the number of paid employees.

Hostel Owner Personas

User Scenarios


As a Hostel Owner whose booking rate has dropped significantly over the last year, and is currently at risk of losing my property and business, I want to find a way to bring people back to my hostel. Travelers won’t come stay overnight, however locals or anyone else in the area might attend cool events we host in our space.

  • User creates an account on No Fixed Addresses, as a hostel
  • User creates a new event at their hostel, a yoga class
  • User submits this event to No Fixed Addresses
  • Event Appears on No Fixed Addresses, for travelers to browse


As a digital nomad who lives in a tiny home (#tinyhousenation) and travels the country, I really enjoy attending cool social events where I get to meet diverse communities who are non judgemental of my uber hipster way of life. 

  • User hears about No Fixed Addresses because they vibe with the ethos of brand
  • User creates an account on No Fixed Addresses, as a traveler
  • User browses some super cool events, located at hostels
  • User sees a yoga class hosted at a hostel one town over, and drives their tiny home to the area to attend the yoga class

P.S My favorite hostel experience. Freedom Club in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Good Times...

End User Research Survey

Research Takeaways

  • While people love exploring, and seeing sights, participating in experiences are a large part of the travel experience.
  • Individuals have felt a covid rut from the lack of travel due to pandemic restrictions
  • People travel with friends and family, and that informs the types of activities and experiences they partake in
  • People plan things to do on a trip by using a search engine, typing in the name of a location, and a key phrase like: "Main attractions" or "What to do"
  • The main social activities people did during quarantine included small get togethers for dinner, or snacks, outdoor exercise, and many people mentioned walking as a quarantine activity.

Opportunity Space and Discovery

Hostel Owners could capitalize on their event spaces during travel restrictions, helping keep their business afloat during the pandemic, however, they needed a better way to promote their events, and secure event attendees.

User Flow

Design Components




Hi Fidelity Mockup

A Look At The Travel Blog


Overall, I learned the importance of scaling down, and reducing the burden and workload of developers, as well as the best tools to manage a designer to developer handoff. I also just really enjoyed the space this product was tackling, travel, digital nomadism, and hostels present a really engrossing culture, and I loved diving in.

Hats off to my amazing team!